Thursday, 29 May 2008
Cycle Ride for Odyssea
Thank you all for sponsoring him, and it's my turn next.......but you have till Oct 2008 for that one, but I'm back in the trainers real soon...! Toulouse Marathon watch out.....
Dear Martin,
Waouh! Congratulations and thanks a lot!
It's so nice!
It's very encouraging to have some people like you and Karen doing wonderfull things against breast cancer!
We need support like that to continue our action with the maximum of energy!
Odyssea is really happy and this money will help to do more self-exam leaflets to distribuate to all the women on our races!
Can we put your great picture on our website?
We will put Karen too if she accept...
Thanks a lot again!
ps: I hope my english is not too bad...
ps: you can't pay online, the best is to send a cheque at ODYSSEA, 21 Passage Larousse, 92 240 Malakoff.
Le 28 mai 08 à 11:32, Martin & Linda Feeney a écrit :
Cher Frederique
J'espere que vous parlez Anglais.
Wednesday 14 May, I cycled to the summit of Mont Ventoux for my friend Karen Sweeting and Odyssea. I have, at the moment, 725 Euros with a little more to arrive. Can I pay this to Odyssea on-line or should I send you a cheque?
I attach a photograph of me arriving at the summit of Mont Ventoux, wearing my Odyssea pink tee-shirt.
Martin Feeney
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
18 June walk - extra info "LUNCH again at Chez Dany..!"
Meal is aperos, entree, plat principal, fromage, dessert, coffee, digestif, wine 13 euros.
Please let Helen know if you wish to eat on this date. Thanks.
Monday, 26 May 2008
Walks in June and September
Wednesday 4th June Marnaves (D600 from St Antonin to Milhars and Cordes) 7km RV:9.30am from the dustbins just at the exit of the village. Parking opposite the bins. Terrain: mixed
Afterwards: Lunch at Le Segalar.
Wednesday 11th June Caylus (9km) RV: 9.30 am from the car park, up the hill on the right after the Renaissance restaurant. Terrain: mixed
Afterwards lunch at the Renaissance (4 courses inc wine and coffee, 15 euros).
Wednesday 18th June Loze (6 km from Caylus on the D19 to St Projet). RV: 9.30am from the car park opposite Loze church. Terrain: mixed.
Wednesday 25th June St Symphorien (10km) RV 9.30 am at the car park in Lavaurette, opposite the church. (Take the D958 from St Antonin to Caussade and follow the first right after Domaine Audubert signposted Servenac and Lavaurette). Then sharing cars to Sorris. Terrain: mixed.
Afterwards we propose a picnic. Details to be confirmed.
During July and August walks will be organised by the group at Espinas. For information contact Rene and Nadette Curato 05 63 68 20 19
Our walks will recommence in September, as follows:
Wednesday 3rd September Along the Aveyron (6-7km) RV:9.30 from the Place du Pradel (opposite the quincaillerie) St Antonin. Terrain: flat.
Wednesday 10th September Around Roanne on the plateau. (8km) RV: the car park at the Cirque du Bone, left at the end of the old route to Caussade from St Antonin, D958). Terrain: flat.
Wednesday 17th September Lou Finot's path, Causses d'Anglars (6-7 km) RV: 9.30 am from the church at St Sabine (D19 from St Antonin to Cordes). Terrain: flat.
Wednesday24th September Feneyrols (8km) RV:9.30am from the war memorial in front of the chateau, Feneyrols. Terrain:mixed.
Further information: Helen 05 63 24 23 52 Karen: 05 63 67 62 51
See also our website:
Les Randonnes en juin / sept
Mercredi le 4 juin Marnaves D600 de St Antonin - Milhars- Cordes (7km) R-v 9.30 Départ: le parking juste à la sortie 'aux poubelles' et en face. Terrain: mélangé.
Après: Le déjeuner au Ségalar.
Mercredi le 11 juin Caylus (9 km) R-v: 9.30am Départ: le parking à gauche après le restaurant 'La Renaissance', la rue principale. Terrain: mélangé.
Après: Le déjeuner à la Renaissance (entrée, plat, fromage, dessert, vin, café, 15 euros).
Mercredi le 18 juin Loze (6km de Caylus, la route D19 Caylus-St Projet) 6km R-v: 9.30am. Départ: le parking sur la place proche de l'église. Terrain:mélangé.
Mercredi le 25 juin St Symphorien (10 km) R-v:9.30 Départ: le parking en face de l'église de Lavaurette ( Prenez la route D958 de St Antonin à Caussade, à droite juste après domaine Audubert,suivez la route à Servenac et Lavaurette) ensuite co-voiturage à
Sorris. Terrain: mélangé.
Après: On propose un pique-nique ensemble en plein air. Les détails être confirmés.
Les randonnées en juillet et en août seront organisées par le groupe d'Espinas. Renseignements: René et Nadette Curato 05 63 68 20 19
Nos randonnées recommenceront en septembre
Mercredi le 3 septembre À côté de l'Aveyron (6-7 km) R-v: 9.30 Départ: La place du Pradel, en face de la quincaillerie St Antonin NV Terrain: plat.
Mercredi le 10 septembre Autour de Roanne, sur le plateau. (8km) R-v 9.30 am Départ: Le parking du Cirque de Bône, à gauche au bout de la vielle route de St Antonin à Caussade (D958)). Terrain: plat
Mercredi le 17 septembre Le sentier de Lou Finot, Causses d'Anglars (6-7km) R-v: 9.30 Départ: L'église de St Sabine (D19 de St Antonin à Cordes). Terrain: plat
Mercredi le 24 septembre Feneyrols (8km) R-v: 9.30 Départ: Le monument aux morts en face du chateau. Terrain: mélangé, pas difficile.
Renseignements: Helen 05 63 24 23 52 Karen: 05 63 67 62 51
Saturday, 24 May 2008
FESTIVAL NATURE D'ESPINAS - Journées Nature de MP et Fête de la Nature
Journées Nature 24-25 mai 2008
Composez votre week-end :
Samedi 24 mai
Le milieu aquatique expliqué aux enfants par les jeux
Les aquifères karstiques des causses des gorges de l'Aveyron
Les araignées du milieu souterrain
Trois chauve-souris cavernicoles menacées du sud de la France
Après midi
Le cheminement de l'eau : de la doline à la résurgence
Les organismes invertébrés des eaux souterraines – un exemple discret de la biodiversité
Construire soi-même des gîtes à chauve-souris
Le Pays Midi-Quercy : fief des chauve-souris
Au rythme des chauve-souris
Les demoiselles des rivières (loutres, ragondins,libellules…)
Les beautés de la rivière
Au rythme des chauve-souris
L'univers sonore des chauves-souris
… Dimanche 25 : voir au dos
Tout renseignement, et inscription aux ateliers (nécessaire) :
Tél. ou
Dimanche 25 mai
Exposition commentée
Insectes de nos régions
Trois chauve-souris cavernicoles menacées du sud de la France
En quête de pelotes de l’effraie (granges)
Les papillons des grottes
Après midi
Le nez dans les pelotes ( identification des proies de l’effraie)
Construire soi-même des gîtes à chauves-souris
Découverte des insectes aquatiques et du bord de l'eau
Hérons et autres oiseaux aquatiques de la rivière Aveyron
L'outil CREN pour la gestion des espaces naturels
Les beautés de la rivière
Au rythme des chauve-souris (primé en 2007 au festival ornithologique de Ménigoute)
§ Librairie « la Nature par les Livres » : toute la journée (24 et 25)
Toutes les animations sont gratuites et assurées par des scientifiques.
Les ateliers sont particulièrement adaptés aux enfants ( mais aussi les autres événements)
Toutes les activités en salle sont accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite.
Possibilité de pique-nique , buvette, en-cas.
Tout renseignement, et inscription aux ateliers (nécessaire) :
Tél. ou
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Martin and Davids Big Cycle for Charity

Mont Ventoux - The Giant of Provence
At 9.40 am on Wednesday 14 May 2008, with my cycling partner David Lawson, I commenced the assault on Mont Ventoux. This climb, a favourite with the Tour de France, was a long held dream of David's and he asked me to accompany him. I agreed and decided to do it in aid of the French breast cancer charity, Odyssea, that Karen and Linda do so much fund raising for.
We arrived in Provence on Tuesday evening, later than planned, and only had time to drive up one of the three routes to the summit. This route is accepted as being the most difficult and referred to, in cycling circles, as 'the killer'. The road surface was excellent and as this was the only route we had inspected, we decided to go for it in the morning.
We set off, in warm sunshine, from the village of Saint Colombe, some 18 km and 1,524 m(5,000 ft) from the summit. We made good progress for the first kilometre and then the gradient quite suddenly steepened. We were in a densely wooded part of the route, which was extremely pretty and very quiet. Unfortunately David punctured after a few kilometres but urged me to carry on alone. It was impossible to repair as we only had one support vehicle, ably manned by Julia and Linda, and if I was to carry on I would certainly need support later on. David retired, but completed he climb the following day. I pressed on, catching and ridding with an elderly French rider who was on his fourth ascent of the great mountain. We parted at Chalet Reynard, about 6 km from the top, when I stopped to have a drink with my support team. I started off again whilst the support team had a coffee break at the Chalet Reynard restaurant. I caught and stayed with a Belgium cyclist for the next 5 km. passing the memorial to Tom Simpson who died on Mont Ventoux during a Tour de France. My support team said they were amazed to catch up with me just one kilometre from the summit as they had only stayed a short while at the restaurant. I pressed on and reached the summit in 2 hours 7 minutes. A feeling of immense pride and achievement washed over me and I was presented with a Mont Ventoux cycling top and medal by my excellent support team.
That afternoon, with the help of the Mazan cycle shop, David's tyre was repaired and he decided to try again the following morning. David, sensibly deicide to take the longer but not so steep route and completed the climb in just under 3 hours, in atrocious weather conditions, cold low cloud and a howling wind.
On behalf of Odyssea, I would like to thank all of my sponsors, the current total standing at 562 euros with more to come. Many thanks to those who have already paid, to the others, I will be coming for my money and to anyone else, there is still time for donations.
I attach a picture of the summit of Mont Ventoux, hopefully with more photographs to follow.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
14th May Walk
It was a lovely walk,
steep to start of with, very enjoyable
with lovely views
and a very relaxing and enjoyable lunch afterwards.
He was the one who spotted a panicky Mazzel in the slurry pit and shouted for help.
She would certainly have drowned if it was not for Michel!!
Thanks a million, we are forever grateful.
Bregtje and Paul
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Biking up a mountain
For those of you who don't know, Mont Ventoux is1909m/6263ft above sea level.
Good luck to Martin and his friend, David Lawson, who is cycling alongside him.
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Les Randonnees en mai / May Walk
Mercredi le 7 mai Lavaurette (7.5km) R-v: 9.30am Départ: Le parking entre la marie et l’eglise de Lavaurette (qui se trouve sur le plateau la route D958 de St Antonin á Caussade, a droite apres le domain d’Audubert, suivez la route á Servanac. Terrain : plat.
Mercredi le 14 mai Cazals (8km) R-v:9.30am Départ: Le parking en face de l’église de Cazals. Cazals se trouve 6km de St Antonin á Bruniquel (D115) á droite á travers le pont bleu. Terrain : D’abord pentu puis plat ensuite descente á Cazals.
Après le dejeuner, Manjocarn (route á Brousses).
Mercredi le 21 mai Le panorama de Suquets, Penne (6-7km) R-v 9.30am Départ: Le parking, carrefour D9 (Vaour) et D33 en contrebas de la D115. Á 100m du lieu dit GRANIER .Terrain : melangé, pas difficile.
Mercredi le 28 mai Lacapelle Livron (6km de Caylus) par la D19 R-v 9.30am Départ; Juste avant Lacapelle, á droite, une petite route mène á Notre Dame Des Graces. Garez votre voiture sur l’herbe au bord de la route, la plus loin possible de la chapelle. Terrain : plat.
Après le dejeuner, Chez Dany, Saillagol
Renseignements: Helen 05 63 24 23 52 Karen: 05 63 67 62 51
Walks in May
Wednesday 7th May Lavaurette (7.5km) rv. 9.30am from the car park between Lavaurette town hall and church. Lavaurette is on the plateau, off the route D958 from St Antonin to Caussade. Take the right turn after Domain d’Audubert sighposted Servenac. Terrain: Flat.
Wednesday 14th May Cazals (8km) Rv: 9.30am at the car park in front of the church, Cazals. 6km from St Antonin on the D115 to Bruniquel. Terrain : Steep at first, then flat descending to Cazals.
Afterwards lunch at the Manjocarn, (road to Brousses)
Wednesday 21st May Le Panorama de Suquets, Penne (6-7km) Rv: 9.30am from the car park at the intersection off the D9 (Vaour) and D33 below the D115. 100m from GRANIER. Terrain : mixed, not difficult
Wednesday 28th May Lacapelle Livron (6km from Caylus D19) Rv: 9.30am just before Lacapelle, to the right, a small road leads to the church of Notre Dame des Graces. Park on the grass at the roadside, as far from the church as possible. Terrain : Flat
Afterwards lunch at Chez Dany, Saillagol.
Further info: Helen 05 63 24 23 52 Karen: 05 63 67 62 51