R-v:9.30 Le monument aux Morts, Verfeil.
Terrain: variable.
Après: La Seye et Vous, Verfeil. - CANCELLED / Annuler
Mercredi 14 décembre Le Cirque de Nibouzou PR1 St Antonin (6.5km).
R-v: 9.30 La Place des Tilleuls, St ANV
en face la Presse.
Terrain: raide au début et rocailleux, puis en descente a St
Après: Le Gazpacho, St Antonin.
A lunch at the Gazpacho is arranged for Wednesday 14th December so I am taking bookings for that and would like people to let me know if they wish to be included as soon as possible and no later than Friday 9th December. However, the dinner on Saturday 17th December will go ahead as planned. I am still taking bookings for that but need to give the restaurant final numbers by Friday 9th December so anyone who wishes to participate needs to let me know asap if they haven't already done so.
NB: Samedi soir 17 décembre Diner à l’Hirondelle, St Cirq. 7.30pm
Helen Tel: 05 63 30 89 29 email: daxlore@wanadoo.fr