Sunday, 30 March 2008

Crocus Walk - and it was a wet one!

Off we set in the dry

And a good soaking we had on route

Very wet and muddy

Needing a sit down

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

26 mars walking and lunching

A good crowd today

Good weather and views

And a good nosh at the end of it all

Sunday, 23 March 2008

April Walking - Les randonnees en avril

Les randonnées en avril

Mercredi le 2 avril La Boucle de Saint-Eutrope (6-7km) R-v: 9.30am Départ: Le monument aux morts, Verfeil. Terrain pas difficile.

Mercredi le 9 avril Le lac de Parisot (8km) R-v:9.30am Départ: Le chateau du Labro, Parisot. Terrain pas difficile.
Après un repas à La Castille, Parisot (12 euros).

Mercredi le 16 avril Le chemin des Rogations, Saint-Michel de Vax. (7-8km) R-v 9.30am Départ: L'église de Saint-Michel de Vax. (D115 de St Antonin à Cordes, signé à droite).Terrain vallonné

Mercredi le 23 avril De Cornusson à Cornerave (8km) R-v 9.30am Départ; L'église de Cornusson (à Caylus ou à Villefranche prenez la D926 en direction de Parisot. Là, suivez la D33 en direction de Verfeil). Terrain un peu en pente mais pas difficile..
Après le repas sera facultatif au Restaurant de la Vallée (pas reservé).

Mercredi le 30 avril Le chateau de Milhars (8kms) R-v 9.30am Départ: La salle des fete, Milhars.Terrain pas difficile.
Aprés le dejeuner, le Ségalar (12 euros)

Renseignements: Helen 05 63 24 23 52 Karen: 05 63 67 62 51

Walks in April

Wednesday 2nd April La Boucle de Saint-Eutrope (6-7km) rv. 9.30am at the war memorial, Verfeil. Terrain not difficult.

Wednesday 9th April The lake at Parisot (8km) Rv: 9.30am at the chateau du Labro, Parisot. Terrain easy.
Afterwards lunch at La Castille, Parisot (12 euros).

Wednesday 16th April The chemin des rogations (8km), Saint-Michel de Vax Rv: 9.30am at the church at St Michel de Vax (Signposted right off the D115 from St Antonin to Cordes). Terrain a little hilly.

Wednesday 23rd April From Cornusson to Cornerave (8km) Rv: 9.30am at the church, Cornusson ( D33 to Verfeil from Parisot). Terrain initially a little sloping but mainly easy going and excellent for dogs.
Afterwards lunch (optional, ie not pre-booked) at the Restaurant de la Vallee, Cornusson).

Wednesday 30th April Le chateau de Milhars (8km) Rv: 9.30am at the Salles des Fetes, Milhars. Terrain easy.
Afterwards lunch at Le Segalar (12 euros).

Further info: Helen 05 63 24 23 52 Karen: 05 63 67 62 51

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Promenade Exceptionnel

Not on a Wednesday, but an additional walk on 30th March (The Crocus Walk). Starting at the car park / camping site in Montpezat du Quercy, 2.30pm. An entry/walking fee of 10 euros per person and 2 euros per dog.....all for Odyssea (french charity) and Breakthrough Breast Cancer (UK).

Please come along and support.

Promenade pour l'association caritative. Odyssea et Breakthrough Breast Cancer (cancer du sein)
Depart 14h30
30 mars
terrain de camping, Montpezat du Quercy.

10 euro par entree, 2 euro par chien.

A bientot

19th mars

Happy Walkers

End of the walk - a super morning for it.

Friday, 14 March 2008

A good walk on the 12th

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

26 mars walking and lunching

Please let Helen know if you want to come along to lunch after the walk on this Wed (26th). Lunch is at the Cote Pont, Saint Antonin, and is 12 euros inclusive.


Happy Walking


Saturday, 1 March 2008

March Walking

here it is.........

Les Randonnées en mars

Mercredi le 5 mars La ruisseau de la Sere, Somplessac (7-8 kms) Départ: 9.15 *
R-v: Chateau d’eau, Puylaroque Terrain: pas difficile.
Après: Le déjeuner (12 euros tout compris), chez L'Auberge du Vieux Moulin, Puylaroque.

Mercredi le 12 mars: Autour de Feneyrols (7kms) Départ: 9.30 R-v: Le monument aux morts, la place au delà du salon de Paul, coiffeur, en face du chateau, Feneyrols. Terrain: pas difficile.

Mercredi le 19 mars: Parcours le long de la rivière, St Antonin (7-8 kms) Départ: 9.30 R-V: La Place du Pradel, St Antonin (en face de la quincaillerie). Terrain: plat.

Mercredi le 26 mars: Autour du Roc d'Anglars (PR 9) (6kms) Départ: 9.30 R-v: Le parking de la gare, St Antonin (en face du tunnel). Terrain: au début pentu, puis en descente jusqu'à St Antonin.
Après: Le déjeuner chez Côté Pont (l’ancienne Auberge du Pont) Bd des Thermes, St Antonin.( 12 euros tout compris)

Renseignements: Helen Graham 05 63 24 23 52 Karen Sweeting 05 63 67 62 51


Walks in March

Wednesday 5th March Walk along the river Sere, Somplessac (7-8 kms) RV: 9.15* am at the Water Tower, Puylaroque (short drive to Somplessac) . Terrain: easy.
Afterwards: Lunch at Le Vieux Moulin, Puylaroque 12 euros inclusive.

Wednesday 12th March : Around Feneyrols (7kms) 9.30am War memorial just beyond Paul’s hairdressing salon, opposite the chateau, Feneyrols. Terrain: easy.

Wednesday 19th March: Along the Aveyron (7- 8kms). 9.30am at the Place du Pradel, St Antonin (opposite the quincaillerie (signposted). Terrain: flat.

Wednesday 26th March: Around Roc ‘d’Anglars (6km) 9.30 am at the station car park (opposite the tunnel) St Antonin. Terrain: a gradual uphill climb initially but afterwards flattening out and descending into St Antonin. Spectacular views.

Afterwards. Lunch at the Cote Pont (former Auberge du Pont), Bd des Thermes, St Antonin (12 euros inclusive).

Information: Helen Graham 05 63 24 23 52 Karen Sweeting 05 63 67 62 51

Walk on 5 mars

The March walks are now posted on the BLOG, please can you inform ERIK if you wish to lunch on 5 mars at the Vieux Moulin, Puylaroque. His telephone number is or portable

See you all on Wednesday.

Meal at L'Hirondelle 29 fev

The dinner of what Michel Saboya calls 'notre association de rando gastro' at L'Hirondelle on Friday 29th February proved very successful and most enjoyable. Twenty-four people were present. Sadly, Gloria Duncan and her party could not be among them, as planned, owing to the death of Gloria's mother in the UK. I am sure that everyone will join me in extending sincere condolences to Gloria on her sad loss. There were several newcomers who, it is hoped, will be persuaded to join the 'rando' element of our association. These include Bob and Lorraine Walker from Arnac, who intend to live up to their surname and join in some future walks, and Mike and Gill Samson from Montpezat. It was a truly international gathering , English, Scottish, French, Dutch and Belgian, very relaxed and agreeable. As usual, the meal and service at L'Hirondelle were superb and much appreciated. The 'boss' did more than he'd agreed to and provided an aperitif, potage, entree, plat principal, cheese, dessert, coffee and wine for the princely sum of 26 euros per head, which represents extremely good value for money. It was a very pleasant evening, thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to the success of the event. Thinking ahead to the end of June, after which our association will hand over to the Espinas team for the months of July and August, I propose a bring and share picnic as our 'end of year' social event. Let me know your views on this and suggestions for a suitable venue. Helen 05 63 24 23 52